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City of Madison Parks Division


Volunteer work parties are hosted by various organizations throughout the year. Projects vary and can include the removal of Garlic Mustard, Dame's Rocket, other invasive plants, as well as trash.

Clean Lakes Alliance


We are happy to place volunteers on projects that support our lakes! Opportunities include skilled office and administration assistance, special events, and watershed projects like shoreline restoration or beach clean ups.

Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin


Your time is so valuable to us! We are so grateful to those who contribute their time and talent to the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin in support of conservation projects around the state.

Sierra Club Wisconsin


At the Wisconsin Chapter we are powered by grassroots and community organizing, and so we are always recruiting volunteers across the state to help win environmental victories! Keep reading to learn more about our volunteering with us, and explore our current opportunities and sign up below. We strive to provide volunteer opportunities for all experience levels and schedules!

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