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Pain Catchers Capturing Chronic Pain in Kids

A student creates Pain Catchers to manage dealing with daily pain for children in the hospital.

Growing up as a child, the student suffered from chronic pain that would affect her day. She was aware of children, just like herself, who laid in hospital beds dealing with pain. To combat this struggle, she came up with the idea of pain catchers, a similar idea to dream catchers. Soon after, she found research to support her idea that young children needed less pain medication when they are given an object or idea that they believed would take away their pain. After contacting the doctors with her idea, they said they loved it and wanted to include it in the care of their patients. The student started making pain catchers from home and would send them into the hospital to be distributed to the patients.

The program was so successful that the doctors requested more pain catchers to keep up with the demand. She got her high school involved. They included the project in their monthly service days. This allowed more students to get involved and support more children with chronic pain. Although the student eventually graduated, the high school continued to support the program.

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