Brown Bag Ministry
Apex, Raleigh, Wake Forest, Wendell
Brown Bag Ministry is an all-volunteer, 501(c) (3) charitable organization that serves the homeless and hungry in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Our volunteers-which include individuals, families and groups-gather at five sites on Saturday mornings to prepare lunches that are distributed throughout Durham and Wake counties
Dorcas Ministries
Dorcas Ministries has been meeting the needs of our neighbors in financial crisis for over 55 years. Fueled by a team of over 600 volunteers who believe in what we do; we welcome you to join us in making a difference! We hope volunteering with us will be an enriching life experience. Individuals 11-13 are welcome to volunteer with a parent or guardian present. Youth 14 and up can volunteer independently. Student volunteers will work in the Dorcas Thrift Shop, helping process donations, stock the shelves and other work to support the business of the Thrift Shop.
Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina
Raleigh, Durham
Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Food Bank’s mission. Our dedicated volunteers give more than 200,000 person-hours each year, and literally double Food Bank CNEC’s staff capacity to receive bulk food donations, inspect each item for food safety and quality, and distribute family-size bundles to our
800+ Partner Agencies (food pantries, shelters, soup kitchens, etc). We could never do this important work alone! Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Volunteers 12 years and older are welcome to volunteer during our regular sessions. Volunteers 5-11 years old are
welcome to volunteer during our Kids Day sessions only. The Food Bank recommends a ratio of 1 chaperone: 5 youth volunteers.
Habitat for Humanity
Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity of Durham! When you do, you support our mission while building skills, relationships and communities. All volunteers under 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
- Ages 14 and 15 must be supervised on a 1:1 ratio and can paint or landscape, but cannot be on a site where power tools are being used.
- Ages 16 and up can work on our sites, but not use power tools or be above six feet on a ladder.
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle
Volunteer with the Food Shuttle. You can make a difference today!
All volunteers must have a signed waiver form prior to volunteering and volunteers under the age of 18 must have an adult chaperone volunteer with them.
Raleigh Warehouse, Grocery Bags for Seniors, and BackPack Buddies:
age 8+ one adult/four youth
Camden Street Learning Garden and Geer Street Learning Garden:
Age 11+ one adult/four youth
Food Shuttle Farm: Age 13 + one adult/five youth
Sign up for opportunities on the volunteer site, where you will also find the required waiver form.
Note in the Pocket
Note in the Pocket provides high quality clothing to homeless and impoverished children and families with dignity and love. Children and teens of all ages can host a clothing drive for us. Host a drive yourself or get your team, club, or youth group involved to bring in even more donations!
Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen
Our kitchen could not operate without the year-round dedication of enthusiastic volunteers. We welcome nearly 10,000 volunteers each year: dedicated individuals, corporate teams, school and church groups,
high school students, and many others, from all walks of life. Youth Volunteers aged must be 16 and in of a group of no more than four and have at least one adult leader.
Small Hands Big Hearts
Small Hands Big Hearts is a non-profit organization that helps children get involved in volunteering.They do this through community partnerships and mentoring children on successfully pursuing charitable ideas. Teens 13-17 can apply to become a Teen Ambassador, helping children plan and execute volunteer projects.
United Way of the Greater Triangle
Our mission is to eradicate poverty and increase social mobility through the power of partnerships. Our work provides support for the immediate needs of families and children in the community and encourages solutions that lead to the self-sufficiency and social mobility that break cycles of generational poverty. Join
a community of champions doing their part to change lives in neighborhoods across four counties. We invite youths under age 18 to participate in our signature events held throughout the year. Parental consent required.
Wake County Board of Elections
Wake County
Student Election Assistants serve at polling places on Election Day and facilitate the voting process. It's great way to learn about the voting process and serve the community. Students must be residents of Wake County and be at least 17 years old by Election Day. Interested students must receive permission from a parent or legal guardian and their principal or equivalent.